
Showing posts from September, 2019


“How can you say, ‘I love you,’  when you don’t even trust me? ... ‭‭ This question was from Delilah found in the book of Judges when she was asking Samson about his source of strength. Then later on, Samson gave up and tell her his secret and the rest is history. Now, you will ask me. How can Delilah persuade Samson to tell his great secret if he knew that later on, he is the one who will suffer? The answer. WRONG LOVE. Samson trusted and loved Delilah so much to the point that he will tell everything to her even his great strength. That well in fact, we know the story that she is just tempting him to give in to tell her his weakness for the sake of her convenience. Now, my point here is this: Men and Women, Do not yoke with the unbeliever.  Do not settle for less if you know God promised you the best. Like what Samson did. He was caught unaware to the point that he left nothing on himself. But God is good. He still heals, delivers and stil